Body Composition Testing
Have your body fat percentage, girth measurements & volume of oxygen consumption and your body's range of motion tested in a 1 hour consultation with an experienced anthropometrist.
Anthropometry tests are a great way of assessing what areas of performance you can work on to achieve better results. Once you know what needs to be worked on you can put a plan into action and then retest after a period of time to ensure you have been achieving results.
How it works:
Use the "Buy Now" button below to pay for your Body Composition Test. We will then contact you to arrange an appointment and send you a health screen questionnaire for completion.
Upon arrival for your appointment we will discuss your goals and what is expected of the testing session
You will have your body fat percentage taken in 7 sites NOTE: you must be prepared to be assessed in minimal clothing (you will be given instructions in your booking on how we can achieve this in the least invasive way possible)
You will also have your girths measured at this point.
You will move into a basic warm up to ensure you are capable of performing a sub vo2max test without injury (note: a sub VO2max test can be performed by anyone that passes the health screen)
You will perform the sub vo2max test
Finally we test your body's range of motion and finish with a small stretch
Test results will be sent to you via email in an anthropometry report 7-10 days after your appointment.
Cost: $115
You will receive:
1hr testing procedure
Anthropometry report & results emailed 7-10 days post testing
Anthropometry results received in your report:
- total body fat % (7 site testing)
- sub VO2max results and what the result means
- basal estimated energy requirements (for food intake)
- girth measurement results (muscle size)
- ROM test results (muscular and joint imbalances)
- recommendations on where to proceed from here based on your goals.
Body Composition Testing is available to anyone. You do not need to be a member of our club. Book in and start getting the results you want now.