Get Started
Do you want to get stronger?
Do you need to develop strength and/or explosive power for your sport?
Do you want to know how to lift safely and well and not be intimidated by the barbell?
Do you want to learn or refine the Olympic Lifts?
Do you just like lifting heavy stuff?
Do you want to try something more challenging than the leg press machine and move real weights?
If you answer yes to any of the above, then Jimboomba Barbell Club can help! Send us a message or book a 1 on 1 consultation here. (We train from CrossFit Flourish premises and use their computer system so don't be scared when you see their booking page!)

Why train with us?
We are affiliated with the Queensland Weightlifting Association and using qualified coaches, we can give you proficiency in all aspects of weightlifting, including the Olympic lifts. All of our training sessions are fully coached meaning you are always under the expert eyes of our qualified trainers getting technique tips and tweaks etc along the way.

When can you train?
Training is by appointment only, contact us for a one on one No Sweat Introduction to discuss options

What kind of lifting do we do?
Although we specialise in the Olympic Lifts, we still train all major barbell lifts including press, push press, push jerk, bench press, back squat, front squat, overhead squat, clean, power clean, deadlift, snatch, clean & jerk plus a myriad of other accessory exercises. You want lifting? We’ve got it all right here!
While many of our members train simply for fitness, fun or other sports, we can also get you involved in the competitive side of weightlifting if that is of interest to you.